Thursday, March 29, 2007

News - Avondale awards scholarships

Females top males at awards ceremony
Cooranbong, New South Wales

Female students at Avondale College have received almost twice as many scholarships and awards as their male classmates this year.
Some 52 students received scholarships and awards—with a total value of $A150,000—during a forum on the college’s Lake Macquarie campus on March 14. The most valuable scholarship, at up to $A27,500 each for a four-year course, is that presented by the Avondale Foundation to recognise academic excellence.
“We are delighted to give 10 scholarships to high academic achievers, and we regret not giving out all 15, but where are all the blokes?” said president Dr Norm Young.
However, five of the six winners of the first-ever scholarship for ministry to children, which traditionally appeals more to females, were males.
Most of the scholarships, worth up to $A5110 per year, are merit-based and cover the fields of business, education, music, science and theology. The President’s Scholarships and Awards recognise high school students from Australia and New Zealand who achieve or who are likely to achieve tertiary entrance rankings in the top 10 per cent of their state, territory or country.—Ursula Borgas
(Pictured above right: Clairessa Free receives a scholarship for academic excellence from Avondale Foundation president Dr Norm Young.) (Photographed by Ann Stafford)


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