Monday, June 27, 2005

So C-C-Cold!

Almost froze on the 54.3209m walk from my car to the front door of work today. SO C-C-COLD! Four degrees C in the city, so who knows what it is here. I know everyone worries about us here so just thought I’d report in and say the heater under the desk is warming my shoes (which is warming my socks, which is warming my skin, which is warming my nerves, which is sending signals to my brain, which is telling me that ‘all is well’.)
Keep warm—wherever you are today (unless you’re hot, then keep cool – or if you are just right, stay as you are).


At 6:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course we worry about you Scott and Adele - we even pray for you there at the Signs EVERY day.
A few WARM FUZZIES for the great new EDGE website should help to warm up your winter days there in chilly Warburton.
Keep up the good work.


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