Monday, August 29, 2005

Some new stuff :)

Adventist Review has had some interesting articles on their site lately about youth in the church and so on, so I thought I'd put some of the links up here for you if you're interested.

Young Adventist Pioneers by Lynette Frantzen

YouthNet by Sarah Coleman Kelnhofer

A Journey and a March by Bill Knott

We've also got some new stuff on the Edge website, including:

Andy Hunter's latest offering
Nathan Brown reviews it for us here on


- many of our 'links' pages are up and running. Send us suggestions for more links. [click on the map]

- Writers guidelines are up and running now [click on the cap]

- Edge history is online now [click on cap]

- The "Great wall of Edge" is up and running [click on the computer box]

So check it out (just look in the right-hand box - click on Edge home to get there!), have fun and remember to believe in Christ and live the life :)

Monday, August 08, 2005

The SPD Session forum is here! So say something!

Have Your Say!

Do you feel that you don’t have a voice when it comes to determining what the church does or stands for?

Do you feel that the church should do more about a certain topic, say making poverty history?

Do you feel that the church doesn’t listen enough to young people?

It’s time to have your say!

In an unprecedented move, the young people of the church can now participate in an interactive forum that will influence the future direction of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

The forum can be found on the website, , designed specifically to coincide with the 13th South Pacific Division Session to be held at the Carlton Crest Hotel in Melbourne from August 30 to September 3, 2005.

“The forum page sounds like a really exciting feature of the session website,” says Kristin Dewey, a recent Avondale College graduate. “It is great to have this opportunity to provide feedback on a variety of topics that may influence church leaders as they formulate strategic plans for the next five years.”

The session website will be updated daily with news and photos when the session commences. Visitors can also read about the officers elected and the decisions made during the session.

To participate in the forum, visit

Thursday, August 04, 2005

"Let's Talk" is coming!

Yes, it's true!

Pastor Jan Paulsen will be out here for the SPD Session, and following that, there's going to be a "Let's Talk" that you can get involved in (see further down for information on how to do this). Anyways, keep reading and all will be revealed about the program :)

“Let’s talk” coming to Australia in September!
Sydney, New South Wales

To Seventh-day Adventist young people worldwide who wonder if the church is really listening to them, General Conference (GC) president Pastor Jan Paulsen, says, “Yes.”
Pastor Paulsen will continue a series of conversations with young people from around the world for the past two years on September 5 in Sydney, Australia.
The program, called “Let’s talk . . . South Pacific,” will air live, unscripted and unedited exchanges where Adventist young people are expected to speak with Paulsen about issues that matter to them.
There will be two episodes to be filmed at Adventist Media. One includes students from Avondale College, and the second program will feature a question-and-answer time with an assortment of young people from across the South Pacific.
Both programs will be distributed on DVD and also aired on the Hope Channel.
“I may not have all the answers, but at least we can talk,” Pastor Paulsen says of the broadcasts.
The broadcasts were started to encourage and set an example for other leaders in the church to listen to young people and get involved in the Adventist Church.
“This program creates a forum for young people to establish dialogue with church leaders and to raising topic which they are passionate about. I would urge anyone with an interest in shaping the future of their church to get involved,” says Behren Schulz, producer of “Let’s talk” in this region.
Mr Schulz also produced the most recent broadcast of “Let’s talk” held at the GC session in St Louis, Missouri, where Pastor Paulsen spoke with young delegates to the meetings on July 7.
“You who are between 15 and 30—a student or young professional: I want you to come in and to partner with the rest of us,” says Pastor Paulsen. “I want to make room for you, for you have energies and ideas which no one can quite match. If you don’t find the church interesting, you can make it interesting.”
Pastor Paulsen has held these broadcasts in the United States and Germany and will visit with young people in South America and Africa during the next year. Along with the broadcasts, Pastor Paulsen’s office has set up a “Let’s talk” web site.
Young people can e-mail their questions directly to the Office of the President and receive answers from church leaders.
“We need to do better at talking with our young people. They need to feel that we are sincere about wanting to hear them. We have not done terribly well in giving young people a sense of ownership and involvement in the church,” says Pastor Paulsen.—Record staff/ANN

More @

Adventist Media is keen to hear from young people interested in having a voice on “Lets Talk”. Expressions of interest can be addressed to Mr Schulz by emai: or phone: +61298472222.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Speak up!

Keep an eye out for the Edge blog on August 8 - we'll have news on here and on the Edge home about how you can have your say with the upcoming South Pacific Division Session!

Remember, what you have to say is important, so have a think about things that you might want to add to the forum there and don't be scared to share!

Adele :)