Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Update - 22/08/06

Hi everyone,

If your youth group would like to be featured in the magazine, we'd love to hear from you! The same goes for if you'd like to write for us.

We've not got that much in this update, but there's still a lot to see - especially with Cecil's adventurous road trip!

> MercyMe reviewed
The Edge's resident music reviewer, Nick Mattiske, has a listen to Coming up to Breathe. He shares his thoughts on MercyMe's latest offering at www.edgeonweb.org/read/music

> Cecil's epic road trip
From Warburton to Townsville with photos every 100kms or so... See what Cecil saw on his epic road trip at www.edgeonweb.org/cecil

> Edge 39 Online
Available in PDF format at www.edgeonweb.org/read/pdf and also as html files in their category menus.

There are also features, competitions and loads of other things to see on the site, so don't forget to check out www.edgeonweb.org!

Believe in Christ, live the life.
Edge editor

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Update - 03/08/06

Hi everyone,

Coming to you in this www.edgeonweb.org update...


> Messiah at PAU
Copies of Messiah, an update on The Desire of Ages, were handed out recently at Pacific Adventist University. Read all about it at www.edgeonweb.org/read/news/massiahcomespau.shtm

> ASA runs for Rockingham
The Adventist Students Association goes on a different kind of health run in Rockingham. Check it out at www.edgeonweb.org/read/news/asarunsrock.shtm

> News poll question
What do you think about the supernatural/spiritism on TV? Share your thoughts on www.edgeonweb.org/interact/polls

> Latest Edge online
Edge #58 is now online! Read it all at www.edgeonweb.org/read

> Cecil goes pineapples!
Well, bananas are too expensive at the moment... Check out his Pineapple Paradise Adventures on www.edgeonweb.org/cecil

> Caption comp
New Caption Competition tasks: write one about the lazy lawn mower, vote for the best cheezy frog caption, see who won the refrigerated cat "Best caption award" - all at www.edgeonweb.org/interact/photos

Remember to check out the rest of the website, too - you never know what you'll find!

Believe in Christ, Live the Life.
Edge editor