Thursday, June 30, 2005

Cecil's Adventures are here!

Cecil headed over to the US for the General Conference Session (he's not a delegate, but that's probably a good thing ~ he'd be too short for them to see when he voted for things) and we've got some photos of him here if you want to see what he's been getting up to on his way to the GC.

Who's star was Cecil's Fav?

As well as celebrity-spotting in LA, he's been enjoying Summer weather, which is something we here at the Edge are envious of ~ looking out of the office window we see grey skies, rain, bare trees and what's that? More rain! Lucky Cecil...

Stay tuned to find out what else Cecil gets up to in his travels to and from the GC session.
~ Adele

Monday, June 27, 2005

So C-C-Cold!

Almost froze on the 54.3209m walk from my car to the front door of work today. SO C-C-COLD! Four degrees C in the city, so who knows what it is here. I know everyone worries about us here so just thought I’d report in and say the heater under the desk is warming my shoes (which is warming my socks, which is warming my skin, which is warming my nerves, which is sending signals to my brain, which is telling me that ‘all is well’.)
Keep warm—wherever you are today (unless you’re hot, then keep cool – or if you are just right, stay as you are).

Thursday, June 23, 2005

New Archive Feature

We have just added a new archive feature to the site. Now you can download the entire Edge magazine as a PDF file. Only No. 50 is available as I post this but we plan on posting as many as we can (gong backwards) and also each new issue as it comes out. We will still post all the articles on the site in their categories for web reading. You can find both the web readable versions menu (screen) and the archive menu (computer box) linking off the 'Edge desk".

My James Morrison Interview

Yesterday was a surreal day for me here at work. I had the privilege of interviewing the trumpeting jazz musician James Morrison for Signs Magazine (October issue?). Not only was this my first 'celebrity' interview but he has also been my musical idol since early high-school. Yes I'm a trumpet player, or at least try to toot it these days. I don't practice enough to be able to play very long, my lips get to tired and stop buzzing (so no sound comes out). Anyhow. Having all his CD's and seen him in concert several times made my 20 minute conversation with him surreal. He actually heard my questions and spoke to me personally, no one else was interested something I never imagined would happen. While writing up the article on him, maybe I'll pull out 5 interesting answers and do a web exclusive 5Q4 on him. I know he may not be as 'hip' as musicians most youthful people are interested in, but I'm sure there are some who have gone "WOW" to his music.
Something else of interest, while I'm here, Steve Taylor, who used to work here at Signs, is now helping to put together the Morrison Digital Trumpets (MDT). This is one cool machine! Just released, (pictured being played by Mr Morrison at Wallsend Church, NSW). It's fingering is like a trumpet but you only have to blow (the harder the louder), not buzz, and you can play 10 octaves. Not only that but you can switch it to a electric or base guitar sound, or mouth-organ or flute or piano etc etc. There are heaps of other features-I'm certainly saving up for one of these babys.


Saturday, June 18, 2005


Hello world,
Welcome to The Edge Blog—a place where you can catch a glimpse into the minds of those who work on Edge.
In case of a crash, your exits are here, here and here.
Finally, and most critically important, you must

Thursday, June 16, 2005

OOPS! Time Flies

Wow, does time fly when you’re having fun. We swear we thought we had another week until June 18, launch date of this all new site, coinciding with the 50th mag. We debated whether we'd put this half-finished site up or have a teasing front page only (or leave the old site). We chose to put the site up as it is for loyal fans to have a click around to see what’s ahead. Apologies guys for the mess. We promise we’ll clean it up in the next few weeks. Thanks for popping by. We’ll have a lot of fun here.
Be Joyful Always!